Journal of Health Education Teaching Established 2010

Journal of
Health Education Teaching

ISSN 2333-4851 (online)

Peer Reviewer Guidelines

It is an honor to be considered a peer reviewer for the Journal of Health Education Teaching, especially since the JHET is the first of its kind that is exclusively designated for the promotion of teaching excellence and best practices. Your service as a reviewer is invaluable and we recognize your efforts and contributions as we get the JHET started.

Peer reviewers will be provided with an evaluation rubric to use during the blind peer review process. The complete evaluation rubrics will be provided to the authors once the reviews have been received and reviewed by the managing editor. The evaluation rubric is based upon the following criteria:

  1. Importance.
  2. Relevancy.
  3. Methodology.
  4. Originality.
  5. Soundness of the research methods, research design, and statistical analysis.
  6. Clarity of the writing, including grammar, elements of style, conciseness, and conclusions.
  7. Applicability, and value to the teaching of health education.
  8. A 3 point likert scale will be used to judge each of the above areas.

The JHET is committed to the promotion of teaching research and as such, we will be a positive experience for authors. While we cannot guarantee every submission will be published, we will provide the authors with peer reviews that are free of demeaning comments, and instead reviewer’s comments will be phrased in collegial terms.

Website Only Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.  The Journal of Health Education Teaching is owned and published by Dewald Academic Enterprises, LLC. The JHET does not solicit or accept advertising nor participate in direct marketing.