Journal of Health Education Teaching Established 2010

Journal of
Health Education Teaching

ISSN 2333-4851 (online)

Review Procedures

All articles in the JHET have been blind peer reviewed. There is a three-tiered system of review. First tier is the editor-in-chief. Second tier is one of the four managing editors (teacher preparation, community health, public health, or personal health). Third tier is the peer reviewers from the journal’s editorial/review board.

First Tier: The first tier is a review by the editor-in-chief for the article’s applicability for the JHET. If the manuscript is found to be applicable to the JHET then the paper undergoes a mechanical review to make sure it has followed the authors guidelines. If the mechanical review determines errors have been made, the manuscript is returned to the author for the required changes.

Plagiarism Policy:

The manuscript is submitted to Turn-It-In to be checked for plagiarism. If the manuscript fails the plagiarism testing, the manuscript is returned to the author.

Second Tier: Once a manuscript is found to be applicable and has passed the mechanical review and plagiarism check, it is sent to one of the 4 managing editors to which the article most applies. This is the second tier.

Third Tier: The third tier is when the appropriate managing editor sends the manuscript on to 2 peer reviewers from the pool of peer reviewers. Peer reviewers will submit their blind peer reviews back to their managing editor.

Next Stage: The managing editor will collate the reviews and make a decision on the manuscript. This decision might be to: (1) accept the manuscript; (2) accept with revisions; (3) revise and re-submit for another review; or (4) reject the manuscript. The assigned managing editor will be the contact person between the author(s) and the editor-in-chief. The managing editor will see the paper through the review process. The manuscript will initially be assigned a number and this number will be used throughout the review and publication process. Manuscripts re-submitted will still use the initial number, but an R will be added to the end of the number. For each re-submission, another R will be added.

If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the revision must be completed and resubmitted within 4 weeks.

The editor-in-chief sees the manuscript through the page proof and publication process and communicates only with the first author.

The costs for submission and blind peer review are as follows:

  1. Free for a traditional 3 month/12 weeks review process.
  2. $100.00 for an expedited 2 month/8 weeks review process.
  3. $250.00 for a fast track review of 1 month/4 weeks or less.
  4. The fee for an expedited or fast track review must be paid through PayPal. Personal checks or cashiers checks are not accepted.
  5. There is no charge for a re-submission, unless the author(s) wish to have a speedier review than their original review request.

Website Only Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.  The Journal of Health Education Teaching is owned and published by Dewald Academic Enterprises, LLC. The JHET does not solicit or accept advertising nor participate in direct marketing.